Battlegrounds Mobile India Series 2021 has reached its last-second stage, i.e, semi-finals. After a long journey of BGIS, 1024 teams fought against each other, and from that 24 teams have been qualified to Semi-Finals.
The Semifinals of BGIS will start from 7 January to 10th January 2022. The tournament has huge prize money of Rs. 1 Crore, from that the winner will be taking half of the amount Rs. 50 lakhs.
Let us check out the Format and Schedule of the BGIS Semi-Finals.
Format & Schedule of BGIS Semi-Finals
In Semi-finals, the top 24 qualified teams will fight against each other to reach the Finals. There will be three groups, each with eight teams. All the 3 groups will play 4 matches in a round-robin fashion, six matches per day.
Among the 24 teams, the overall top 16 teams will qualify to Grand Finals. The Finals are from 13 January to 16 January.
- Group 1: Eight Teams (Play Six Matches each day)
- Group 2: Eight Teams (Play Six Matches each day)
- Group 3: Eight Teams (Play Six Matches each day)
Semi-Finals Qualified Teams of BGIS 2021
After a 4 day quarter-finals matches, most of the invited teams are eliminated. One of the popular team like Soul is not a part of semi finals. However, there are some of the favorite teams like GodLike Esports, Team XO, and others. Let us check out the list of Qualified teams for Semifinals:
- Reckoning Esports
- Team Chicken Rushers
- 247 Gaming
- Team XO
- UDOG India
- The Supari Gang
- Hyderabad Hydras
- 7Sea Esports
- Old Hood Esp
- Only Glitch
- Revenant Esports
- Coxripmizo.
- Skylightz Gaming
- OREsports
- Orgless 5
- Team Xspark
- Celsius Esports
- GodLike Esports
- Tactical eSports
- Enigma Gaming
- Team X Lions
When & Where to Watch BGIS Semi-Finals?
All the BGIS matches are streamed on the official YouTube Channel in different languages like Hindi and English.
Gaming Center
A gaming center is a dedicated space where people come together to play video games, whether on PCs, consoles, or arcade machines. These centers can offer a range of services, from casual gaming sessions to competitive tournaments.
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