After almost a two-month-long season 1, we finally have a second season. Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 Lawless is here, and there is a lot of new content to explore. This time around the theme is focused on heists, gangs, and the underworld.
There are lawless POIs, new weapons, exciting boons, and a new boss. Let’s dive into everything new in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2.
New POIs
All the new POIs are closely related to the theme of this season and the boss. Fletcher Kane is the boss in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2, and he is the main mob boss of the Island.
Lonewolf Lair
If you want to challenge Fletcher Kane you will find him in his mansion, the Lonewolf Lair. It’s a gigantic complex that’s heavily guarded by Kane’s goons. Lonewolf Lair is filled to the brim with chests, loot ammo boxes, and new heist bags.
If you can infiltrate and defeat Kane’s guards, you can then challenge him for a mythic weapon and a new medallion.
Shiny Shafts
You can’t become the boss of the mafia without being rich. Fletcher Kane got his riches by operating his own gold mine at Shiny Shafts. As the name implies, it’s a rework of Shifty Shafts but this time it’s a gold mine filled with loot.
You can drop at Shiny Shafts and take down Kane’s biggest source of wealth. Not to mention, there are tons of chests and other stuff to loot. You will also find the new Gold Veins there that give the Gold Rush Effect.
Outlaw Oasis
Even the biggest criminals sometimes need a break and that’s what Outlaw Oasis is for. A high-end luxury resort for criminals to relax and plan their next big hit. Since it’s a luxury spot, you are bound to find a lot of loot there.
Crime City
Crime City is the hub for all criminals. It’s a lawless city built for criminals to live and thrive in. You’ll find different stores offering crime-related services. If you are dropping there, be sure to check out the Bank, which is the only guarded place in Crime City. There, you can fight off the guards and open the vault to get tons of loot.
Gold Rush Effect
Similar to Slap and Slurp, this season introduces a new status effect called Gold Rush. You can get it by breaking Gold Veins, diving in Gold-infested Water, or using Gold Splashes. This status effect increases your movement and pickaxe swing speed.
Black Market, and Dillbits
With a huge crime wave running rampant on the island, there has to be a place where the criminals sell their scores. That place is known as the Black Market, and there are three Black Markets on the map, each indicated by an icon. You can buy different rarity weapons in this market using Gold Bars.
There’s also a new currency called DillBits. Dillbits are valued more than Gold bars and they can be found inside safes and vaults. However, unlike Gold bars, Dillbits don’t carry over to the next games, so spend them all whenever you can.
New Boons
Boons were introduced in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1. These are small perks or buffs that you can get. The new season brings new boons. If you want to use one, just travel to the nearest black market.
- Vulture Boon: Reveals the location of enemies that are eliminated.
- Gold Rush Boon: Opening or destroying Chests grants Gold Rush.
- Adrenaline Rush Boon: Gives infinite stamina for a short time.
- Gold Ammo Boon: You can get ammo for picking up Gold Bars
- Greed Boon: Eliminations and opening containers give you extra gold bars.
Thermite is another new item and mechanic in this season. It’s now the only way to open vaults in Fortnite. The keycard system is no longer part of the game.
How this works is you attach a thermite to a vault and wait for it to weaken the locks. Then, you shoot at the locks and the vault opens. Keep in mind while the vault is opening, you will be rushed by hordes of henchmen and possibly other players.
Another exciting addition is the Plasma Burst Laser, which shoots a powerful laser beam that melts enemies and builds.
New Weapons and Items
Of course, there can’t be a new season without some new guns to try. Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 adds a bunch of items and weapons to the loot pool in Fortnite.
Collateral Damage Assault Rifle: A fast-firing Assault Rifle that packs a punch, if you can control the bloom.
Falcon Eye Sniper: it’s time to get headshotted from nowhere again as Snipers make a comeback in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2. The Falcon Eye Sniper is fast and can swiftly send you back to the lobby if you are not careful.
The Kneecapper: Not all criminals carry guns. Some just like to bash your head in with a baseball bat. The Kneecapper is just that: a powerful baseball bat that can smash enemies up close. It has two attacks: a fast-swinging primary and a charged-up secondary.
Sub-Zero’s Kombat Kit: If a baseball bat is not your style, then consider looking for Sub-Zero’s Kombat Kit. It gives you the frosty powers of Sub-Zero. You can punch and kick with frost, and you can also ice slide into enemy builds.
Port-A-Cover: Throw to create a small cover. It’s really handy in the early game when you are low on mats, and it’s a must-have item for Zero Build.
Pulse Scanner: Helps you detect nearby enemies.
Med-Mist Grenade: It’s a smoke grenade that puts out healing smoke. It’s the best health item to carry this season.
Gold Splash: Standard chug splashes but now they also give the Gold Rush effect. So, more health and increased movement speed—a must-carry.
Fletcher’s Armored Train and Armored Truck
The train is still part of Fortnite but now it’s taken over by Fletcher Kane. Drop at the train, defeat the guards, and take down the defenses to get your hands on some solid loot.
Along with this, you will also find Armored Trucks all around the map. These trucks are usually escorted by a convoy of henchmen on vehicles. Take them down, which then allows you to start opening the vault. Once you start opening the vault you, will have to face three waves of enemies attacking you.
If you can survive all that, you will get Legendary or Epic loot.
Much like previous seasons, Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 brings a lot of new content to the Island. We have got new weapons to play around with, new POIs to drop, and new items to help you win games. Whether you want to loot up at Shiny Shafts, break the bank in Crime City, or take down the mob boss and Lonewolf Lair, the island has much to explore.
Gaming Center
A gaming center is a dedicated space where people come together to play video games, whether on PCs, consoles, or arcade machines. These centers can offer a range of services, from casual gaming sessions to competitive tournaments.
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